Jakarta.Monday, 19 February 2024 - STIE Ganesha held the Inauguration of Past Learning Recognition Assessors (RPL) in the STIE Ganesha Multipurpose Building Hall, present at this activity were the Chair of STIE Ganesha Fahri S.H., M.H., M.M., Deputy Chair I Dr. M. Arief Noor, M.Pd., M.M., Deputy Chair II Fuad Gagarin Siregar, S.E., M.M., Head of Postgraduate Study Program Dr. Joned Ceilendra Saksana, M.M., Head of Bachelor of Management Study Program Zubair Arza, S.Sos., M.M., Head of BAAK M. Tafsirudiin S.Kom., M.Kom., Head of PUSDATIN Moh. Tahang, S.E., M.M., Head of PMB Saharuddin, S.H., M.M., and academic staff and employees of STIE Ganesha, in this activity were also present as presenters representing LLDIKTI 3 Mrs. Dian Rusdiana, S.Pd., M.Pd (Learning and Student Affairs Team LLDikti Region III).
It is hoped that the inauguration and training of assessors for the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program will provide understanding to the selected assessors in carrying out their duties as RPL assessors.
Mrs. Dian Rusdiana, S.Pd., M.Pd in her remarks and directions regarding the implementation of the RPL program told STIE Ganesha to carry out the RPL program well in accordance with existing guidelines and not to make or advertise this RPL program as a "fast pass course" . Mrs. Dian Rusdiana, S.Pd., M.Pd in her speech also said CONGRATULATIONS to STIE Ganesha on the launch of this RPL program and good luck on duty and work for all assessors who have been appointed.